Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Busy, Busy

Well, I'm behind again and it's been pretty busy for us lately. We've been to Fort Scott two weekend in a row for a wedding and a family reunion. I really failed to take many pictures. We did get some shots of Jaxson and his Grandpa with Robert (Ryan's dad's cousin's baby) and his Grandpa. Robert is just a little older than Jaxson so we figured they'd kinda grow up together.
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Ken, Jaxson, Robert, Hershel
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Here are some things that Jaxson has been up to lately!

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He loves to stand at the front door! He will stand there half the night, watching the cars and talking to himself!

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Sometimes he just sits and hangs out...I think here he was watching his Daddy mow the lawn!

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Sometimes, we are just too tired to do either one of the above. He didn't fall asleep here, but he did hang out for awhile.

Of course, you all know how much kids like to play with things that arent' their toys...Jaxson has found he likes a box!
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He can play in it...

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He can fall out of it...(how else are you supposed to get out of a box by yourself?)

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And he can use it as a ladder to get on top of his play table!

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Our littel dare-devil!! We are going to have our hands full!


  1. how cute! I love the pic of him laying on the floor :) he's getting so big!

  2. haha! He is getting so big! and the thing about him sitting at the door just watching.. my dog (my son) does the same thing! Our door is a huge glass door like yours except there is a tiny window at the bottom that, I believe, was put there just for WallE! :P
