Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 4th!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July!  We sure did, but it was a busy one!
Started of Saturday morning with a haircut which I was so nervous to take Jaxson to, but he was SO GOOD!  I say this a lot, but we are so blessed with such a well-behaved, well-mannered child even at 21 months!
I came home and got ready for a funeral of a retired co-worker and my in-laws came just in time to keep him for me for that.  
Ryan's parents came for the fireworks celebration at Ryan's bosses house!  It was a little sparce this year due to the rain, but we had a good time and it cleared off in time for fireworks!

Jaxson at 4th of July - 2009

Eating Ice in his playpen!  We put him in there while we all ate in the garage so he would stay out of everyone's food!

Last year Jaxson slept through the fireworks, but he was awake this year.  I wasn't sure how he was going to react.  He was really more interested in playing with his glow stick necklace, but when he would see one he would just laugh!

Watching fireworks with Uncle Zach

Laughing at the fireworks

They looked like "two peas in a pod"

We even found a frog!

It was so nice to have both sets of Grandparents together for the weekend with Jaxson.  I know he enjoyed it.  We spent Sunday visiting a friend in the hospital and had some Olive Garden then chose to skip out of the city fireworks, Jax was in bed early.  I was so blessed to have Monday off to spend at home with Jaxson.  I wished that it would have stopped raining so that we could have gone out for a walk or something, but we had fun together.  It makes me wish I had more days like that with him while he is still little!

1 comment:

  1. You certainly have a handsome little man! I cannot believe how big he has gotten!
