OK, so it has been like 4 months since I blogged anything! We have been super busy in our house and I just haven't been feeling up to it, I guess!
I'll try to get you all caught up one of these days, but for now I just have one thing to talk about. Most of you who actually read this already know, BUT WE ARE EXPECTING BABY WHEELER #2!!!
We will be due around the end of October or 1st couple of days of November. Jaxson will turn 3 on October 10th so it will be a pretty good age difference and I think Jaxson is ready to be a Big Brother!! Again, I will try to catch you up on the last 4 months soon and keep you updated on the baby!
LOVE YOU ALL! (If there is anyone out there who reads this)
Love it or leave it?
11 years ago