Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jaxson baby...or big boy?

Our little Jaxson is getting so big now! He is almost 11 months old now.
He is such a grown up little boy, eating table food and starting to walk. He loves baths and playing with the dog! Here are some fun pictures of him lately...

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Eating his cantaloupe and tomato! He LOVES cantaloupe, but he gets so messy and goes straight to another favorite activity...BATH

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Playing in the running water, his favorite part...
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A Cup! His favorite bath toy

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He already knows where the door handles this picture I had gone in that room to talk on the phone and he wanted me!!

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Playing by the front door, one of his favorite places to play!

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His first black eye! Wasn't quite balanced and he hit the table! This picture is blurry, but you can see how big the bump was on his right eye!
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Here he is about an hour later in the tub...the swelling has gone down a lot!


  1. I can't believe how big your little man is getting! The time just flies by, huh?!? He's a cutie...11 months is a fun time!

  2. Stop putting baby porn on the internet you sickos. and stop beating my nephew.

  3. Poor little guy with his black eye! :( He is so cute though. Can't believe he is already almost a year old!
