Friday, April 24, 2009

6 month check-up

I took Jaxson in for his 6 month check-up and shots yesterday. He is doing just fine!

He only grew an inch this time (he is up to 28") and he gained almost 2 pounds (up to 17.3lbs)!!

He is already crawling and sitting up and just BARELY beginning to pull up to things. (ok, just mommy! He can grab my shirt, get to his knees and stand up) The Dr. said that crawling and sitting are skills for 9 month olds so he is ahead of schedule, but I think that I have seen many kiddos crawling around this age so I'm sure it isn't anyting spectacular, but it is nice to know that he is developing well at this point!

His shots went pretty well and he was really in a good mood last night and was even able to catch part of a baseball game with some of the Fort Scott crew. I guess we'll see how good he is for Grandma today at daycare!


  1. Hey there! Well, Mya is 18lbs and 28inches. I wouldn't compare Jax to her though simply because Mya is not usual!! :-) She is a very, very petite little thing and only weighed 6lbs at birth and 18inches. She hasn't been on the growth curve all of her life because she's so little. We took her to an endocrinologist and everything is fine, just petite! make the long story short...she is in her own category! hehe!

  2. YEA for growing and hitting those milestones! Sounds like he's doing great!
